Visual literacy

Having tangentially discussed the biometric analysis of Web browsing and the mathematics of color, I now wish to lay explicit claim to visual literacy as a goal for Jurisdynamics and its entire network of affiliated blogs.
Modern technology demands no less. The overwhelming majority of visitors to this website have a monitor resolution no worse than 1024x768 pixels; nearly nine-tenths enjoy 32-bit color depth. Humans have communicated through pictures since well before the advent of writing. A palette this deep is simply wasted if it conveys nothing more than the symbolically comprehensive but visually impoverished world of Unicode.
Jurisdynamics makes no pretense of being a professionally designed website. Its webmaster, after all, doesn't even have a body. And enterprises such as the On-Line Visual Literacy Project are proselytizing on behalf of visual literacy with far greater fervor and and with far more success.

Posts such as So, Is This a Boy Camera or a Girl Camera?" and today's amazing Meet DC Comics' "Supergirl" make Feminist Law Professors one of the most visually striking pages among law professor blogs.
Hi Ann,
Yes, in my alter ego as Gil Grantmore, I designed Jurisdynamics and its affiliate sites. For the blog pages, I aggressively modified Douglas Bowman's "Minima Ochre" template, designed by Stopdesign for Blogger.Com. Minima Ochre then informed the Cascading Style Sheets component of my portal page for the Jurisdynamics Network.
I admire FLP for its mix of austere simplicity and functional practicality. A visitor can do whatever she or he pleases, with a minimal amount of fuss. My own sites have a lot of functionality, but I fear that I am approaching the limits of human tolerance for cross-links, popups, and both inline and top-level framesets!
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