Friday, September 21, 2007

I Fought the Law (and the Law Won)

Bobby Fuller's version is still the best variation on the theme of the much-covered I Fought the Law (and the Law Won).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, yes, but better than the Clash's version?

9/24/2007 11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the answer to Brett's question may depend in part on which generation one belongs to. About 10 years old when the Fuller version came out, it left a deep imprint in my memory (on this and similar metaphors, see Douwe Draaisma's delightful Metaphors of Memory: A history of ideas about the mind, 2000). Indeed, it anchors a few companion memories as well that no doubt influence my judgment: I recall going to my best friend's (Edmundo, affectionately known as 'Gordy') house in, of all places, Irving, Texas, early on Sunday mornings after serving as an altar boy at Mass and his father cooking us a Mexican breakfast (I still recall the enchanting--exotic?--smell, so utterly different from those in my own home) while we rocked out to that song (and lots of other wonderful stuff from the early and mid 60s). The music, the food, the friendship: simple and enduring pleasures that linger in one's mind.

9/25/2007 7:21 PM  

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