Tuesday, October 03, 2006

No fish, few fish

This just in:
One Fish, Two FishPresident Bush called for a halt to destructive fishing on the high seas Tuesday and said the United States will work to eliminate or better regulate practices such as bottom trawling that devastate fish populations and the ocean floor.
Bush directed the State and Commerce departments to promote "sustainable" fisheries and to oppose any fishing practices that destroy the long-term natural productivity of fish stocks or habitats such as seamounts, corals and sponge fields for short-term gain.
"While Brazil, Chile, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa and, now, the U.S. have expressed support for regulating bottom trawling on the high seas, Spain, Russia and Iceland are among those that oppose it." Apparently, Bush's "position on high-seas fishing represents a last-minute shift going into an election, in part due to mounting pressure from the conservation groups, key Republican senators such as Ted Stevens of Alaska, Richard Lugar of Indiana and John Warner of Virginia, and U.S. allies such as Britain, Norway, Australia and New Zealand."

Better late than never.


Anonymous Term papers said...

Well I read your post with great interest That Bush directed the State and Commerce departments to promote "sustainable" fisheries and to oppose any fishing practices that destroy the long-term natural productivity of fish stocks or habitats such as sea mounts, corals and sponge fields for short-term gain.

1/27/2010 7:19 AM  

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