Law 2.0

I am extremely pleased to be paying an official visit to Arkansas, where I taught classes in the LL.M. program in agricultural law during the mid-1990s. I am very happy that Fayetteville, an academic home away from home, will be the site of a new presentation I call Law 2.0.

Legal education today is operating in a technological environment that is cheaper, more widely distributed, and far more efficient than that which all but the youngest law professors experienced when they were in law school. I am mindful that the legal academy is arguably the most hidebound wing of a temperamentally conservative profession. Law school faculties, for instance, spend extraordinary amounts of time debating (and, in some instances, implementing) policies that effectively disable wireless networks whose very raison d'être is to enable broadband access across an entire university campus. That said, the students we teach today, to say nothing of their successors and their future clients, are all wired — and wireless — in ways most of their instructors are not. How precisely can we expect to shelter the flickering candlelight of Law 1.0 in a world lit by lightning?
I shall reserve a more complete answer to this question for my presentation at Arkansas. In the meanwhile, and for the benefit of those members of the Arkansas Law community who will have gotten the chance to review this post before my presentation, I invite you all to watch Web 2.0: The Machine Is Us/ing Us. This video has attained its own measure of Web 2.0 fame, insofar as nearly 4 million people have watched versions of it on YouTube. The Machine Is Us/ing Us is the magnum opus (to date) of Michael Wesch, a professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. I know of no better five-minute explanation of Web 2.0. This entertaining look at Web 2.0 shows how XML (extensible markup language) is to HTML (hypertext markup language) as RNA is to DNA. Code is code, after all, and we are at once the products and the prime movers of evolution.